What is the similarity between Chess and Football?? Many will probably say nothing. And that is perhaps partly correct. But if you go a little deeper, then Chess and Football actually have a very large similarity, in terms of the tactical aspect....

Let me explain.
I found this book (Football and Chess: Tactics Strategy Beauty), which I unfortunately havent read yet – but in the resume of the book, they mention this “Do top football coaches read the pitch as a chess player reads the board?”
And I will say yes.....
When playing chess you look a the board and try to make a strategic movement of your figures to win the game – thereby a tactical aspect.
In football you also look at the pitch and how to set up your players in the correct formation, the playing style etc. etc. A tactical way where you as a coach tries to create a strategy to win the match.
How to describe tactics and chess and the comparison to football, would be;
In chess you use a move (or series of moves) that can create an advantage for you as a player. And this advantage could be, create an opening or create an “attack” to get a checkmate!
And in football, various tactical movements (with & without the ball) can create space, breaktroughs or create a attack to get a finish/shot on goal – very similar to chess.
With all the above mentioned information/introduction, I have tried to combine these two (Chess & Football) into one tactical aspect – hereby Chess Football.

My idea;
In football when we lost / want's the ball back, I would like to create organized way where the team/players works collective together, with the use of chess & football (picture shown beneath).

The philosophy for my “chess football” is, that the pitch is divided into zones, hereby 30. And all the zones are given an number like, A1, A2, B1, B2 etc. etc. to define and catogorise the players position in the phase of winning the ball back.
The idea is, that the players aren't “allowed” to have more than one-two zones distance between their nearest teammate. The thought is, if the players have some kind of knowledge/hints for their positioning on the pitch combined with movement patterns, can we as a team stay more compact and thereby achieve our goal = winning the ball back.
Let me give an example;
If the ball are in zone E1 (at the opponents feet's) and our team moves to the ball carrier and keeps the right distance (one-to zones) we would stand closer together and create a bigger chance to win the ball back – or maybe create a fast counter-pressing after we lost the ball.
!! OBS !!
There are much more to this, than just my thougths etc. And I will properly update this later on, when I receive the before mentioned book. With that purchased, I would properly get a new insight in how these two (chess & football) could be combined in other ways, than just my ideas & thoughts!
And maybe it won't work and maybe you as reader don't agree, but that is fine. Because if we agree on every aspect within football, football would never develop!! :)
But all in all, thanks for taking the time to read this,and my thoughts about "Chess Football".
More will properly be added.
Kristoffer Kvistgaard