(Inspired by a Basketball Drill)
Amount of players: Minimum 6 players
Drill duration: 10- minutes
Age Group: U11+
Drill Description:
- Set up 5 cones marked as a Star
- If 6 players, two players at the starting cone and one player on the others
- As showed on the picture, you have to pass the ball around, so it "forms" a star.
- After each pass, you follow the ball = new position
- Pass with max. of 3 touches
Coaching Points:
- Can you pass on your first touch/2nd touch.
- Can you pass with correct pace.
- Can you work with your 1 touch as a forward move
- Work only with 1 touches
- Make the "star" smaller (faster passing & movement)
- Pass the other way around (work on their "weaker foot")
- Make them run towards the ball (meet the ball)
Description of the Basketball Drill
This basketball ball handling and passing drill improves chest passing, bounce passing and player communication.