Amount of players: Minimum 4 players
Drill duration: 10-15 minutes
Age Group: U11+
Drill Description:
- Set up one cone a each end (approx. 20 meters from each other) (depends on lvl).
- In the middle you set up two cones as a gate.
- At each end cone there are two players.
Drill 1:
- One player moves forward between the gate, and receives a pass from opposite player.
- The player who receives the ball turns around (through the gate) and pass to his partner in the same line.
- Then the player from opposite site (who made the 1st pass) will run towards the gate etc.
Drill 2:
- Instead of running through the gate, they will run to one of the sides to receive on their right/left foot.
- They receive and pass it back to the line they came from.
Drill 3:
- Now it's a combination of the two first ones.
- They run through the gate, but instead of turning through the gate, they make a wall pass back to the player.
- Then they run out to one of the sides to reveice.
- And then they pass it back to the line they came from.
Coacing Points:
- Can you get the right pace and distance in passing.
- Can you time the runs towards the ball.
- Can you work with 1 touches (or 2 touches).
- Can you communicate verbal / body language for receiving.
- Have to make their first pass with their "weaker foot".
- Their first touch have to be a "offensive move".